Huge New Pink Diamond Unearthed

A massive 108.39-carat diamond has been unearthed at the Kao mine in Lesotho by Storm Mountain Diamonds, marking it as one of the largest gemstones of its kind discovered in recent history.

In a remarkable discovery that has captivated the gemstone world, Storm Mountain Diamonds (Pty) Ltd has announced the recovery of a breathtaking 108.39-carat fancy intense pink diamond at its Kao mine in the Kingdom of Lesotho. 

This exceptionally rare Type IIa diamond is celebrated for its extraordinary clarity and vibrant color, qualities that make it one of the largest and most significant pink diamonds ever found. 

The newly recovered 108.39-carat diamond is a striking addition to this legacy, underscoring Kao mine’s status as one of the world’s most important producers of extraordinary pink diamonds.

Huge New Pink Diamond Unearthed

108.39-carat rough pink diamond from its Kao mine in Lesotho, the largest pink diamond ever unearthed at the mine.

The Kao mine, located at 2,500 meters above sea level, ranks among the world’s highest gemstone operations. Initially discovered in the 1950s by Colonel Scott, the mine originally produced low-grade diamonds. 

Artisanal miners and cooperatives worked the site until 2006 when Kao Diamond Mines Ltd. acquired the lease from the Lesotho government. Despite early challenges, the mine has since become a premier source of rare pink diamonds under Storm Mountain Diamonds' stewardship.

This latest discovery joins an illustrious lineup that includes the 47.81-carat “Pink Eternity” uncovered in 2022, the 25.97-carat “Pink Dawn,” and the 21.68-carat “Pink Palesa” found in 2021, as well as the 29.59-carat Rose of Kao unearthed in 2018. 

Each of these gems has made a significant impact on the global diamond market, with their vivid colors and exceptional sizes, further solidifying Kao's position in the industry.

The Lesotho Minister of Natural Resources hailed the find as “one of the most significant diamonds found to date in Lesotho,” highlighting the importance of this discovery for the nation’s mining industry and its global reputation.

Storm Mountain Diamonds, now a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council—an organization dedicated to promoting ethical, social, and environmental practices in the jewelry industry—underscores its commitment to responsible mining. 

This emphasis on ethical practices is particularly poignant in an industry often criticized for its environmental and social impacts. 

The recovery of such a significant diamond underlines not just the wealth beneath Lesotho's soil but also the potential for responsible mining to contribute positively to the nation's economy and global reputation.

As the world eagerly awaits further details about this extraordinary pink diamond, its discovery at the Kao mine serves as a reminder of the natural treasures that lie hidden beneath the earth, waiting to be revealed in all their dazzling glory.

Read also: The Largest Pink Diamond

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