May 2024

Carnelian: Gemstone, Meaning, Properties

Carnelian is a semi-precious gemstone known for its warm, reddish-orange color. Carnelian is a brownish-red variety of chalc…

Purple Gemstones and Crystals

There are many stunning purple gemstones and crystals, each with its own unique beauty and properties. Amethyst, Tanzanite, …

How to Identify Meteorites With Pictures

Found a Rock From Out of This World? Have you stumbled upon a rock that seems strangely heavy or different from others you&…

Rose Quartz: Pink Quartz Crystals (Photos)

Rose quartz is a beautiful pink variety of quartz . It is known for its soft, gentle pink to rose-red color and glassy luste…

What Are Rocks

Rock is a naturally occurring solid mass composed of one or more minerals or mineraloid matter. Rocks are Earth's build…

Relative Dating: Principles and Examples

Relative dating is all about figuring out the order in which things happened in the past, without necessarily knowing exactl…