L.A.’s Biggest Quake Threat Sits on Overlooked Part of San Andreas, Study Says
Arrows pointing to the Mission Creek strand of the San Andreas Fault. (Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast) Par…
Arrows pointing to the Mission Creek strand of the San Andreas Fault. (Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast) Par…
Geologists have discovered a new type of rock. While drilling deep into the seafloor, a team of scientists found a new form …
Metallic lava flow emerging from rocky lava. Credit : Arianna Soldati When Volcanoes Go Metal A team of scientists is har…
In this image, the warped amount of the surface is due to the opening of the Central American gateway that allowed hot mater…
A 47-million-year old fossil belonging to a previously unknown species of fly was found at the Messel Pit in central Germany…
Material rising from deep below the Mid-Atlantic Ridge may widen the ocean by a few centimeters every year. The ridge is vis…
The Erg Chech 002 meteorite's large crystals suggest that the rock cooled slowly. A single meteorite crash-landed in the…
There's probably a fifth layer. (forplayday/iStock/Getty Images) It may be time to rewrite the textbooks, as scientist…