Peacock Rocks: Iridescent Bornite and Chalcopyrite
Peacock Rock, also known as Peacock Ore , is a stunning mineral prized for its vibrant, iridescent colors that resemble a pe…
Peacock Rock, also known as Peacock Ore , is a stunning mineral prized for its vibrant, iridescent colors that resemble a pe…
Rainbow obsidian is a variety of natural volcanic glass known for its iridescent sheen, which displays a spectrum of colo…
A majority of the world population lives on low lying lands near the sea, some of which are predicted to submerge by the e…
An ostracod trapped in the amber (Image: PA) Scientists have discovered what they believe to be the oldest fossilised anima…
Extinct Cave Bear Found Whole After Being Frozen for 30,000 Years on Siberian Island The now extinct type of cave bear was f…
Five Rare Blue Diamonds Discovered at Cullinan Mine. The five blue diamonds recovered at Cullinan, all in the space of one w…
Dendrite minerals are natural tree-like or moss-like formations found on or in rocks and minerals. These fascinating pattern…
Credit: CC0 Public Domain Japan researchers have discovered microdiamonds in the Nishisonogi metamorphic rock formatio…
The chemical element bismuth as a synthetic made crystal. The surface is an iridescent very thin layer of oxidation. Cred…
Blue Scorodite Crystals. Photo credit: Scorodite is a common hydrated iron arsenate mineral, with the chemi…
Yellowstone's Giantess Geyser erupts for first time in six years In these troubled times there comes a point wher…