August 2020

Deadly Lava Lake Is Bubbling in Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Hitting Extreme Temperatures

A massive lake is bubbling in the belly of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano at temperatures ranging from 176 to 185 degrees F…

313 Million-Year-Old Fossil Footprints at Grand Canyon

Paleontological research has confirmed a series of recently discovered fossils tracks are the oldest recorded tracks of t…

Rainbow Meteorite Discovered in Costa Rica

Clays in a 44-millimeter-wide Aguas Zarcas fragment may hold amino acids, along with stardust that predates the Sun. LAUR…

Tiny, 48-million-year-old Primitive Horse Looked Like a Badger

A reconstruction of a primitive horse the size of a small dog has revealed that the 48-million-year old creature may have…

Kasolite Crystal

Kasolite is an important hydrated uranyl silicate mineral phase which was found for the first time by Schoep in 1921. Kasoli…

99-Million-Year-Old ‘Hell Ant’ Attack Captured in Amber

Photomicrograph from top view of the hell ant, Ceratomyrmex ellenbergeri, restraining its prey, an extinct cockroach rela…

Gigantic Dinosaur Footprints Are Found on the Roof of a Cave

A scientist on a caving trip happened to spot dinosaur tracks in the ceiling of Castelbouc Cave in France. Credit: Jean-D…

Fossilized Dinosaur Egg Found in Japan Recognized as World's Smallest

(Photo courtesy of the University of Tsukuba and the Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo)(Kyodo) A team of …

World’s ‘Smallest Dinosaur’ is Actually a Lizard Scientists Admit in Retraction

This fossil trapped in amber was thought to be a dinosaur but is likely a lizard.Credit: Lida Xing Just a couple of …

Hollandite Quartz: Urchin Quartz

Hollandite Quartz also known as, Urchin Quartz, is a type of quartz crystal that contains tiny black inclusions of the mine…

'Fool's Gold' May Be Valuable After All

Photo: Michigan Rocks & Minerals For the First Time, Researchers Electrically Transform Material From Non-magn…

New Study Unravels Secret to Subduction

Credit: Australian National University Subduction zones are pivotal for the recycling of Earth’s outer layer into its…