Fault Lines in Utah Are Much Bigger Than Previously Thought, Study Says
Fault Lines in Utah Are Much Bigger Than Previously Thought, Study Says. Fault lines along the Wasatch front are much big…
Fault Lines in Utah Are Much Bigger Than Previously Thought, Study Says. Fault lines along the Wasatch front are much big…
Earth’s Plate Tectonics Began Over 3.2 Billion Years Ago. Prof. Roger Fu, an author on the study, poses on an outcrop of …
The new seismic stress map of North America. Image: Jens-Erik Lund Snee and Mark Zoback How do mountains form? What…
The world's largest quartz crystal cluster, weighing 14,100 kg, was discovered in 1985 at the bottom of a 45-meter deep …
Ammolite is a stunning iridescent gemstone formed from the fossilized shells of ammonites, which were extinct cephalopods …
Snowflake obsidian is a stunning naturally occurring volcanic glass, characterized by its black base speckled with white or …
The fossilised skulls of dinosaur embryos that died within their eggs about 200m years ago, have been digitally reconstruct…
Billietite from Krunkelbach, Menzenschwand, Black Forest, Germany Copyright: Stephan Wolfsried Billietite is an uncommon min…
You’re probably familiar with earthquakes as relatively short, sharp shocks that can shake the ground, topple building…
Radioactive Metaheinrichite. Photo: Mintreasure.com Plenty of beautiful tabular yellow crystals of rare metaheinrichite on…
Two mating, long-legged flies trapped in clear, honey-coloured amber, approximately 41 million years ago. (Photo: Jeffre…
Bizarre Life-forms Found Thriving in Ancient Rocks Beneath the Seafloor In 2013, scientists were stunned to find micro…