November 2018

A Mystery Seismic Wave Just Swept Earth—but Scientists Can't Work Out Why

Seismic signals originating off the coast of the small French island of Mayott were detected at seismology station rangin…

Blood-sucking Flies Have Been Spreading Malaria for 100 Million Years

Blood-sucking Flies Have Been Spreading Malaria for 100 Million Years Pictured is a black fly preserved in amber. Credit:…

Huge Quake Edges New Zealand Islands Closer Together

Major active fault zones of New Zealand showing variation in displacement vector along the Pacific–Indo-Australian plate …

Scientists Discover Giant Impact Crater Under Greenland Ice

Map of the bedrock topography beneath the ice sheet and the ice-free land surrounding the Hiawatha impact crater. Credit:…

Chlorastrolite: Michigan's State Gemstone

Chlorastrolite is a gemstone variety of the mineral pumpellyite, known for its unique, radiating star-like patterns. It'…

Discovery of High Geothermal Heat at South Pole

Graphic shows how the Twin Otter aircraft uses aerial radar to map the ice sheet and bed. Credit: Tom Jordan Scientis…

Scientists to Track the Reaction of Crystals to the Electric Field

The international scientific team developed a new method for measuring the response of crystals on the electric field. Cr…

Dinosaur Eggs Came in Many Colors—just Like Birds’

A neosauropod egg, Western Argentina. Photo: Lucas Fiorelli A new study says the colors found in modern birds' eg…

Geoscientists Discover an Overlooked Source for Earth's Water

This view of Earth's horizon was taken by an Expedition 7 crew member onboard the International Space Station, using …

The Lithosphere: Revolutionising Earth Tectonics

Global shape index derived from GOCE satellite gravity data. Dome-ridge features characterise Earth’s oceans while valley…

New 12-Ton Jurassic dinosaur Was the Largest to Walk the Earth

Jurassic dinosaur fossils seen at the Dinosaur National Monument. The newly-discovered dinosaur is believed to be from th…

First Fossil Lungs Found in Dinosaur-Era Bird

Archaeorhynchus spathula was a beaked, feathered bird that lived 120 million years ago. A new fossil discovery suggests i…

Deepest High-temperature Hydrothermal Vents Discovered in Pacific Ocean

Hydrothermal Vent Chimeny. Photo: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer In spring 2015, MBARI researchers discovered a large, pr…

Ancient Crystals Shed Light on Earth’s Earliest History

Zonal crystal of zircon. Photo: Petr Hykš To geologists, Earth’s early history is somewhat of a black box. Volcano…