Injection Wells Can Induce Earthquakes Miles Away From the Well
In this diagram of an injection operation, the blue and red areas represent the spatial footprint of induced seismicity f…
In this diagram of an injection operation, the blue and red areas represent the spatial footprint of induced seismicity f…
Precious Stones: The Four Most Gemstones Gemstones which are highly valuable for their hardness and rarity, are known …
The findings are the result of a research collaboration between Victoria University of Wellington, Durham University …
This is the full skull of the early Triassic period amphibian Wetlugasaurus. SCIENTISTS thought a skull they found wa…
Mantle Xenolith. photo: James St. John A new study could help explain the driving force behind the largest mass extinc…
Xiyunykus bones in the lab before their removal from the rock. Credit: James Clark The discovery of two dinosaur fossi…
Painite is a very rare borate mineral. It was first found in Myanmar by British mineralogist and gem dealer Arthur C.D. Pa…
This August is shaping up to be a pretty shaky month, thanks to several large earthquakes across the globe. These earth…
The Earth’s magnetosphere and the Sun. Illustration: NASA A new study analyzing rock formations from 107,000 to 91,…
Organic gemstones are natural materials derived from living organisms or once-living organisms. They are formed through biol…
This image shows a dorsal view of the mid-Cretaceous beetle Cretoparacucujus cycadophilus, including the mandibular cavit…
Something Digs Intricate Tunnels in Garnets. Garnet crystal with distinct tubular structures. and Microphotograph of netw…
Natural Magnesite FROM Brumado, Bahia , Brazil. Photo:Rob Lavinsky Scientists have found a way to produce a mineral, …
An earthquake and aftershock have been reported off the coast of south-central Oregon. An earthquake has been recorded…
Scientists have discovered 240 cubic miles of semi-molten magma below the Long Valley Caldera, a supervolcano in eastern Ca…
Two SFU biologists are among four scientists a fossilized giant ant that is comparable in size to a humming bird. Tha…
The NWA 11119 meteorite is about the size of a baseball and is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old. Scientists say …