Iceland's biggest volcano set to erupt
Iceland's scientists say activity at Katla volcano increasing, next eruption could be huge Awakening the Giant! F…
Iceland's scientists say activity at Katla volcano increasing, next eruption could be huge Awakening the Giant! F…
Ancient Rocks Suggest Meteorites Brought Life’s Phosphorus To Earth Meteorites that crashed onto Earth billions of years …
Atomic bomb radiation signatures may help establish a start date for a new epoch. An official welcome to the Anthropocen…
Experts described the little dinosaur named Heterodontosaurus tucki, which has been extinct for 200 million years as '…
Ancient Igneous Rocks Reveal secrets about Earth's core There have been many estimates for when the earth's inne…
Ethyl-acrylate particle collected at 10m depth from the PAP site. A unique study by scientists at the National Oceanog…
In this simulation, the rise in sea level puts the coast of Louisiana underwater. Credit: NASA The cataclysmic 1991 eru…
A fossil of a typical crinoid, showing (from bottom to top) the stem, calyx, and arms with cirri 96 percent of marin…
A paleontologist encases a whale fossil In Cerro Colorado, located in the Ica Desert of Peru, sedimentary sequences da…
Through its unique topography and relationship with the Asian monsoons, the Himalayan system constitute the largest erosi…
Why the earthquake in Italy was so destructive ? Powerful earthquakes like the 6.2-magnitude temblor that rocked cen…
Microscopic view of halite (i.e. salt) with cubic fluid inclusions containing trapped ancient water and air. Ancient a…
A magnitude 6.2 earthquake has struck central Italy, leaving at least 37 people dead and 150 missing, as rescuers search f…
An ideal example how light interacts with the small structures of colloidal particles—the Opal. Credit: Yagan Kiely Be…
2014 Napa earthquake continued to creep, weeks after main shock Nearly two years ago, on August 24, 2014, just south of…
Himalayan migration northward found to be result of tectonic lift A trio of researchers has found evidence to suggest …
Paleontologists prepare to remove the T. rex skull from the dig site in northern Montana and transport it to the Burke Mus…
The United States Geological Survey’s ‘shake map’ showed the 5.8 magnitude quake’s location off Bowen in north Queensland…