Deep, old water explains why Antarctic Ocean hasn't warmed
Observed warming over the past 50 years (in degrees Celsius per decade) shows rapid warming in the Arctic, while the Sout…
Observed warming over the past 50 years (in degrees Celsius per decade) shows rapid warming in the Arctic, while the Sout…
A study of the content of rare earth elements in U.S. coal ashes shows that coal mined from the Appalachian Mountains c…
A computer-simulated time sequence of the gargantuan Sentinel landslide in Zion Canyon 4,8000 years ago is shown here. Th…
Blue phenocryst has well developed oscillatory growth zoning with some zones showing inclusions. Both crystals show se…
Centuries ago, a native Central American people terrified of a witch believed to live deep in the earth used to sacrifi…
Two new lava flows have broken out at Hawaii's Kilauea volcano, but neither is threatening nearby communities. Kila…
Volcanos of Australia. Credit: SnipView Australia is an old and stable continent with not many geological risks suc…
Amber is a naturally occurring, fossilized tree resin. It is a natural gemstone that has been used for jewelry and other dec…
A section of rock across the Maltese islands is unrecorded in the official geological map on which important decisions a…
(a) Tectonic map showing the geodynamic framework of the Mediterranean region. (b) Main structural features of Sicily and…
Scientists at Princeton University, New Jersey studied an ancient meteorite (shown) and found a quasicrystal with a struc…
Left: Researchers have created a digital elevation model of the area studied, showing the two proposed shoreline levels o…