Malachite Stalactites
Primary Malachite forms an intriguing specimen of stalactites of fibrous crystals, with rounded tops.
Formula: Cu₂CO₃(OH)₂
System: Monoclinic
Colour: Bright green, with ...
Hardness: 3½ - 4
Streak: Light green
Malachite is a green, very common secondary copper mineral with a widely variable habit. Typically it is found as crystalline aggregates or crusts, often banded in appearence, like agates. It is also often found as botryoidal clusters of radiating crystals, and as mammillary aggregates as well.
From Mashamba West Mine DR Congo (Zaire)
Formula: Cu₂CO₃(OH)₂
System: Monoclinic
Colour: Bright green, with ...
Hardness: 3½ - 4
Streak: Light green
Malachite is a green, very common secondary copper mineral with a widely variable habit. Typically it is found as crystalline aggregates or crusts, often banded in appearence, like agates. It is also often found as botryoidal clusters of radiating crystals, and as mammillary aggregates as well.
From Mashamba West Mine DR Congo (Zaire)